动态与文章2011-3-10 23:17:51
很高兴受Musezine站长David Box的邀请,在musezine.net做了一个简短的人物介绍,musezine是一个网上在线艺术聚合和推介网站,为网站访客提供全球最新的设计资讯。

Name: J.Max Loc­a­tion: Beijing / China

“I first came across J Max and his work about 18 months ago while look­ing for an icon set and promptly book­marked . You’ve prob­ably seen his work many times before without real­ising in the form of his 9 Browsers icon set, which is well worth check­ing if you need browser icons for your pro­ject, he even gen­er­ously provides them as a free download.”

J.Max has been design­ing for 5 years now and built an impress­ive portfolio,I’m look­ing for­ward to fol­low­ing his work in the future, and hope­fully you’ll find some inspir­a­tion in his designs too.

My Inspir­a­tion:
“I love movie, Music, Love Rock MTV, They always have good ideas. And I love enjoy Pho­to­graph, love my life. I believe that design comes from life.”

I’d like to thank J Max for agree­ing to fea­ture in musezine’s brief encoun­ters and for provid­ing some great images from his portfolio. If you would like to get in touch with him your­self you can con­tact him at Morcha.