动态与文章 | 2011-3-10 23:17:51

很高兴受Musezine站长David Box的邀请,在musezine.net做了一个简短的人物介绍,musezine是一个网上在线艺术聚合和推介网站,为网站访客提供全球最新的设计资讯。
Name: J.Max Location: Beijing / China
“I first came across J Max and his work about 18 months ago while looking for an icon set and promptly bookmarked . You’ve probably seen his work many times before without realising in the form of his 9 Browsers icon set, which is well worth checking if you need browser icons for your project, he even generously provides them as a free download.”
J.Max has been designing for 5 years now and built an impressive portfolio,I’m looking forward to following his work in the future, and hopefully you’ll find some inspiration in his designs too.
My Inspiration:
“I love movie, Music, Love Rock MTV, They always have good ideas. And I love enjoy Photograph, love my life. I believe that design comes from life.”
I’d like to thank J Max for agreeing to feature in musezine’s brief encounters and for providing some great images from his portfolio. If you would like to get in touch with him yourself you can contact him at Morcha.